Monday 1 July 2013


I had braces put on on the 19th January 2012, I had horrendous teeth, I had tiny baby teeth which had to be removed, and 'fangs' which were attatched to my bond so wouldn't move on their own.
For years I had a rubbish dentist who wouldn't refer me to an orthodontist, until I persisted as I was so self conscious about my teeth, I used to cry because I hated them so much.
He eventually referred me to an orthodontist, who was appalled as I should have had braces put on when I was about 10/11, not 14. She told me I had an overbite, and a whole list of things wrong with me, so after having 7 teeth removed, I had braces put on.
People with braces try to describe the feeling, my mum said its like 'someone pulling on your teeth', but as a child I would pull on my teeth going 'but it doesn't hurt!'
Unless you have braces, you can't really explain how it feels, and everyone seems to have different braces, and different ways of treatment.
I could have coloured bands, some people had a coloured bang wrapped around the actual wire not the bracket. Mainly I had multicoloured braces, they were so cheerful:)
Having them tightened is so painful, until gaps close up, then it's not so bad, but you do get bad headaches and can't eat properly for a while:(
They're definitely worth it! I'm so glad I had mine, even though I have to wear a horrid retainer which aches and isn't the most hygienic of things..
Get ready for some posey pictures!
 Me with braces, ignore the fact that me and Ella are posing with my dads watch...

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